
Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

The Academy is particularly proud of its Journal which is published annually in cooperation with the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. Each issue of the Journal concentrates on a single subject such as child custody or retirement benefits, which is explored in depth by the authors.

This unusual format results in a publication recognized throughout the United States as a source for the most complete coverage of specific topics in family law. The Journal contains both original articles drafted by Academy Fellows and digests of articles on the same subject from other publications.

Bounds of Advocacy


The Academy published The Bounds of Advocacy in 1991. This unique publication sets forth standards of fair play for laymen and lawyers involved in family law cases. While the standards are aspirational, they epitomize the conduct of Academy Fellows in their individual practices. The Bounds of Advocacy is widely recognized as the first effort by a specialized bar association to establish standards for an entire area of practice. It has been cited nationally in law school ethics courses and legal literature. At least two states have adopted The Bounds as part of their state ethics code.

Divorce Manual: A Client Handbook

A later publication, The Divorce Manual, A Client Handbook, was written for clients contemplating a divorce. The handbook provides clients with a realistic overview and considerable detail as to what to expect in the divorcing process. The handbook has proved invaluable to attorneys who distribute it to new clients as part of their service.

Representing Children

In 1995, the Academy published a booklet entitled Representing Children, Standards for Attorneys and Guardians-ad-Litem in Custody or Visitation Proceedings. This publication delineates the appropriate procedures to be followed by guardians and attorneys for children in matrimonial actions where the best interests of their wards or clients are in conflict with those of their parents. This first line of attorney conduct has never been explored as comprehensively as in this Academy publication. It has served as a guide to guardians and attorneys for children throughout the nation. 

Model Relocation Act

The Academy also has developed a Model Relocation Act. As people become more mobile, there are many more cases involving the relocation of custodial parents and proceedings brought by or against the custodial parent to permit or deny such relocation. The Model Act includes stringent notification requirements, outlines the factors which the court should consider in making its decision and sets forth alternative “burden of proof” and presumption language for states to consider.

Stepping back from anger/Children’s Bill of Rights

This educational 12-page booklet includes the “Children’s Bill of Rights,” resources, and a suggested reading list. (Available for purchase in hard copy.)

This title aptly describes the succinct information of this 12-page booklet. Includes the “Children’s Bill of Rights”, resources and suggested reading list. A companion video is available in the AAML store.


As a professional service, the Academy maintains and publishes access to names and addresses of certified Fellows to assure the availability of qualified matrimonial counsel throughout the United States. This roster of Fellows, updated each year, details the experience and qualifications of each Academy member. It also identifies those Fellows who have been recertified by the Academy based on their participation in continuing legal education over the preceding five years.